Tuesday, July 20, 2010

America: the good, the bad, and the ugly reality tv stars

I realize it's been a while since I last updated my blog. I know my random musings are like sweet, sweet crack to you all, but what can I say? I like being withholding.

So in the last few weeks, there have been a few noticeable highlights. First, K's cousin's wife just had a baby. Surprisingly, it didn't look like a prune-fingered ball of flesh with the face of a seasoned UFC fighter, like most newborns. Baby Alex is a good-looking kid.

I'd include a picture of Kev & I holding him in what looks like an Arkansan senior prom picture here, but all the pictures are on a Kodak gallery and I don't want to pay for using them.

Spare me your "glimpse of the future" jokes, please. Even though he's a cute kid, holding baby Alex was terrifying. It's like I was looking at the manifestation of all the responsibilities I will spend the next 5 years desperately trying to shirk. And he has the tendency to have very loud BMs as soon as he's placed in my barely-capable arms. I am a woman of many hats, and apparently one of them is instant tactile infant laxative.

Secondly, another of K's cousins came into town for the 4th of July to pick up a German Shepherd puppy. I grew up with a German Shepherd, so I'm pretty much a sucker for the breed. I spent a good part of my long weekend gushing over little Dexter in a sick, sick, obsessive way. I am now going through cute puppy withdrawal. This feeling, however, in no way tempers my hatred for the ridiculous blog I haz a hotdog. We've all seen the LOLcats. This website is only slightly more heinous. It's not only that it's a copycat (copydog?) website, but it's just far less witty. Not that lolcats is an unassailable bastion of scathing intellect, but the Dog website features thought-bubbles of text that approach a level of groan-ability previously only reached in Public Service Announcements catering to "jive-talkin' kids from 'da streets". Anyway, enough hatred on that front...

In celebration of America's birth (or at least the signing of a document over a decade before we had an independent functioning government), we had planned on watching the fireworks over the bay. I know, other 49 states, you're going through a terrible heatwave and it's so hot and blah blah blah. But on the 4th of July it was 45 degrees and rainy. I'm used to swimming in the gulf and getting sunburned this time of year, not trembling in a semi-waterproof hoodie. Were it not for the puppy and the good company of Kev's family, I would have had a very mopey Fourth of July indeed.

God Bless America. And Germany (thx for the puppy, Deutschland).

Last but not least, we've recently picked up watching several reality tv shows, including America's Got Talent and Top Shot (History Channel). I was initially fascinated by the good, the bad, and the ugly on Talent, but this was the first week in which America actually voted. And wow, what a sorry set of results. By far, the most obvious display of shitty voting en masse was the advancement of Christina and Ally, a pair of sisters with lung disease who sing crossover country tunes served up with a generous helping of background vocals. Call me heartless, but the show isn't "America's Got Cystic Fibrosis" or "America's Got Mediocre Karaoke Performances". If it were, this pair totally should have moved on to the next round. I was dismayed at the results, but dear Kev reminded me that the type of people who watch (and more importantly, vote in) this show are either the same demographic as the pair (13- 16-year old white girls in middle America) or their mothers. For part two in this week's "I Hate Your Blog" series, check out this blog post by one of their devotees.

That's all for now. Keep it real and absorb some mad heat for me!



  1. When are you getting your puppy?

  2. I REFUSE to absorb heat for you!

    I am sitting in my living room with a fan blowing on me, and I live in Colorado! I want my snow back. I want my freezing winds. I want my bare trees and snow-capped mountains.

    You weirdos and your heat obsessions! What is so great about being sweaty and smelling like a foot?

    Still love you :P
